What does Acorn Ponds maintenance take care of and what are residents responsible for? 
Condo maintenance is responsible for repairs and maintenance for all common areas, such as roofs, masonry, and sprinkler maintenance.  Residents are responsible for all interior repairs, such as plumbing and electric.

Who can I contact for contact information for electricians, plumbers, handyman, etc? 
If you call the office, management can give contact information for vendors who have previous experience working for Acorn Ponds residents.

I have a contractor who will need access to the roof of my unit.  What do I need to do? 
Please call the office in advance of any contractors who may need access to the roof.  Please be aware that they will need to be able to provide an insurance certificate in order to gain access to the roof.

How do I request gardening/plantings?
Condo owners should contact their respective management office to request gardenings/plantings. If there is a landscape maintenance issue, management will contact the landscaper. If a resident wants plantings, requests will be addressed by the Landscaping Committee.

What if we want to plant specific types of flowers/trees?
Residents can plant flowers on their own.  If they want to plant shrubs or trees, they should submit a plan of the proposed plantings to the condominium office and it will be reviewed by the Landscape Committee.

What days and times are trash and recyclables picked up? 
Trash is picked up on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  Recyclables are picked up on Wednesdays.   If you have bulk items, please call the office to schedule pickup.

What are the hours of the clubhouse and indoor/outdoor pool? 
Please follow this link to the current monthly calendar showing the most current clubhouse and pool hours.

What are the rules for pets?
Please follow this link to the current rules for pets.

Why can’t we eat food at the pool?
Residents cannot eat at the pool for sanitary reasons.  We are also responsible to comply with Board of Health regulations.  Residents may eat at the tables inside the clubhouse, on the rear deck of the clubhouse and in the park.

When can I use the tennis courts? 
Tennis Courts hours of operation are 8AM – 11PM.  Please click on this link for more information about tennis court usage.

How do I reserve a tennis court?
Acorn Ponds has an online reservation system,which residents must pre-register for. Please click this  link for more information about the tennis court usage.

What do I need to do after using the har tru courts? 
You will need to sweep the courts and clean the lines after using the har tru courts.  Please click on this link for more information about tennis court usage.

Why are maintenance charges different for Condo 1, 2 and 3? 
Each condominium sets its own budget based on routine maintenance costs, utilities, special projects and capital funds.  Condos I and III both have on-site maintenance staffs and Condo II outsources its site maintenance.

When are the HOA and condo meetings? 
The first Monday evening of the month is set aside for Condo 1 meetings in the clubhouse, the second Monday is Condo II, and the third Monday is Condo III.  Many of the Condo boards only meet every other month, depending on the agenda.  The HOA meetings are held at 7:30PM on the fourth Monday of every month in the clubhouse.

When are elections for the condo boards? How long are the terms?
 Annual elections for each condominium are held in June.  Board members are elected to  3 year terms.

How are the HOA board and officers selected? 
HOA board members are appointed by their respective boards.  Every two years one of the Condo Boards can appoint the HOA President (on a rotating basis)

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